Caiming Xiong

Unlocking the secrets of AI

Caiming Xiong, Director, Salesforce Research on the secrets of AI, and how to overcome the misconceptions that often lead to stifled innovation

Finding humanity with AI

Afiniti’s Lindsay Hua on her dual passions of driving change through AI and building empowered, diverse workforces with women better represented at the top.

NODE Podcast: Episode 24

This month, Ben and Rom are joined by Drata’s co-founder and CEO Adam Markowitz. They discuss Adam’s past career as a rocket scientist, Drata’s influence on the SaaS market, and the secrets to his entrepreneurial success. Ben and Rom also review our case study on Ericsson.

Caiming Xiong

Unlocking the secrets of AI

Caiming Xiong, Director, Salesforce Research on the secrets of AI, and how to overcome the misconceptions that often lead to stifled innovation

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