Chris Huggett

No time for downtime

Demand for constant availability of online services shows no signs of slowing, so how should businesses react? Sungard AS’s Chris Huggett explores

Eradicating ageism in tech

Patricia Hume, CEO, Canvas GFX, argues passionately that technology is neglecting some of its most capable talent because of ageism

Hartmann Group: Saving lives with technology innovation

HARTMANN GROUP has been at the forefront of healthcare innovation for nearly 200 years. Today, technology transformation and new digital business models are enabling it to “go further for health”. Digital Bulletin met with CIO Sinanudin Omerhodzic and his team to find out more

NODE Podcast: Episode 2

This month Ben, Rom and James chew over Project JEDI’s conclusion, everything 5G in 2019 and our BT case study on intelligent automation. The team also report back from VMworld Europe, where they learned about a peculiar piece of dental technology…

Chris Huggett

No time for downtime

Demand for constant availability of online services shows no signs of slowing, so how should businesses react? Sungard AS’s Chris Huggett explores

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