Etay Maor

A new dimension

BT Enterprise’s Phil Baulch discusses the potential of volumetric video for consumers and businesses

The power of two

Software AG’s Philip Hooker tells us why enterprises are increasingly leveraging the capabilities of digital twins

NODE Podcast: Episode 7

In a healthtech special, Ben and Rom are joined by Roeland Pater, founder of Nori Health. They discuss Roeland’s mission to support sufferers of Crohn’s disease and colitis through technology, and analyse how healthtech is standing up to the coronavirus. Furthermore, the panel revisit our Hartmann Group case study and report back from an AI hackathon.

Tech to the rescue

Green Flag’s Managing Director Dean Keeling, along with Chief Technology Officer Shakeel Butt and Chief Product Manager Jeremy Bristow, tell us how the roadside recovery provider is transforming into an “agile fintech” and why it is laser-focused on data and talent

Etay Maor

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