James Henderson

Setting the path

The route to digital transformation can be treacherous. Mindtree is helping enterprise find its way

Twin peaks

The evolution of digital twin technology and its future role in enterprise digitalisation

Connecting Kazakhstan

Digital transformation is a fundamental piece in the growth plans of many Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan.

The team at North Caspian Operating Company, the largest offshore oil and gas producer in the country, takes Digital Bulletin behind the scenes of its new innovative initiatives

NODE Podcast: Episode 26

This month, Ben, Rom and James tackle the topical subject of quantum computing. When we will see some practical use cases? Will it change the world? Can three journalists get their heads around the science?

Ben also interviews Faethm AI CEO Michael Priddis about the evolution of work.

James Henderson

Setting the path

The route to digital transformation can be treacherous. Mindtree is helping enterprise find its way

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