Jim Webber

Democratising Data

Informatica is helping enterprises bring its information together and derive insights using AI and automation

The changing face of GRC

MetricStream’s COO Gaurav Kapoor on the technologies driving standards in governance, risk management and compliance

Automating the future of business

Bain & Company is helping organisations plan for 2030. Ted Shelton, Expert Partner, Automation and Digital Innovation, talks us through why executives need to embrace automation or risk their business getting left behind.

Driving Western Union’s tech transformation

An undisputed leader in the global payments space, Western Union is driving a company-wide technology transformation, underpinned by migrating its infrastructure from on-prem to the cloud. Harveer Singh, Chief Data Architect & Global Head of Engineering, reveals how the initiative will give the organisation the speed and agility it needs to continue to thrive in the digital age.

Jim Webber

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