John Kennedy

Overcoming The Ban

Xu Zhijun, Deputy Chairman at Huawei, breaks down how the company is diversifying its business and maintaining its leadership of the teleco sector despite the US ban

IKEA’s DesignOps revolution

IKEA Retail’s (Ingka Group) Karolina Boremalm and her digital experience design team have introduced an all-encompassing DesignOps strategy to the company, with a design system at its centre. Here, Digital Bulletin speaks to a number of key stakeholders.

Inside Mars’ digital transformation

Since embarking on a digital transformation four years ago, Mars has instilled a culture of user centric design and agile sprint delivery, leveraging Mars’ Digital Engine.

Praveen Moturu, VP, Chief Enterprise Architect, talks about its success stories, the importance of innovation and the value of continuous test and learn digital sprints

John Kennedy

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