Laura Eshelby

Connecting Kazakhstan

The team at North Caspian Operating Company takes us behind the scenes of its new innovative initiatives.

Changing the backup game

Rubrik is on a mission to revolutionise the backup market, as Martin Brown, Regional VP, UKI, Middle East & Africa, explains

IF culture<0 THEN

Witharecord shortage of skilled workers, retaining happy engineers is critical to business success. Here’s how.

NODE Podcast: Episode 20

This month, Ben, Rom and Daniel discuss the rise of Workplace from Facebook and consider how collaboration tools might develop in the future. The panel also reviews our ALE case study, and Ben chats digital optimisation with Amplitude’s Daniel Bailey.

NODE Podcast: Episode 6

This month Ben, Rom and James talk coronavirus and how it’s changing the way we work, how the outbreak is testing healthcare infrastructures and why it’s putting new demands on Silicon Valley. The trio also discuss our Thames Water case study and hear from Richard Brown, CTO of enterprise blockchain firm R3.

Laura Eshelby

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