Nate Daly

Migrate or stagnate

Nate Daly, senior technical architect at NS1, offers some top tips for system migrations

Connecting Kazakhstan

The team at North Caspian Operating Company takes us behind the scenes of its new innovative initiatives.

Playing IT safe

Avinash Prasad from Tata Communications discusses the strategies companies can use to share information securely

Fragmented Reality: Craig Palmer

The Digital Bulletin Podcast series designed to bust the buzzwords that dominate the business technology world. In this episode, Verizon’s Craig Palmer tackles the likes of ‘omnichannel’, ‘customer centricity’ and ‘digital transformation’.

Meeting automation demands

Martin Tomczak and Akshay Nigam tell us how a fresh approach to automation is driving efficiencies and excellence in ABB’s Procurement & Logistics (Global Business Services) organisation

Nate Daly

Migrate or stagnate

Nate Daly, senior technical architect at NS1, offers some top tips for system migrations

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