Four senior leaders of Deutsche Telekom’s world-class IT organisation reveal the three-year digital transformation journey that’s delivered a new era of technical and cultural agility to Europe’s largest telecoms company.
The sweeping transformation of Deutsche Telekom’s IT organisation, instigated by new CIO Peter Leukert on his arrival in 2017, was nothing if not ambitious. It would involve a root-and-branch examination of architecture, management structures and toolsets but, most critically, it would be underpinned by systematically nurturing a new culture of free and open communication, trust, and individual empowerment. A project of impressive ambition on both a technical and very human level, it involved input from across the entire organisation and was codenamed IT@Motion. Deutsche Telekom is also reknowned for its decade-long drive to increase diversity in its technical ranks. In this episode it is four female senior IT leaders who help us lift the lid on the strategies and techniques that have made the transformation possible. .