Advanced threat protection is a security solution that protects from ransomware, phishing, and other malware we consider too advanced for traditional cybersecurity. Considering the rise of sophisticated attacks, ATP is one way for businesses to protect against critical data loss.
The cybersecurity space pays attention to the growing rate of emerging threats. Ransomware is one of these threats, with reports stating that ransomware attacks accounted for 10% of all data breaches in 2021.
One way to stop ransomware attacks from gaining access to corporate systems and vital data is to use advanced threat protection. But what is ATP, and why is it a must for businesses?
what is advanced threat protection?
Businesses of all sizes are targets for advanced threats. Small businesses are just as likely to be a target for security incidents as large corporations. Security professionals echo this statement, stating that state-backed cyberattacks have been up by 30% since 2021.
ATP promises to protect from advanced threats by using sophisticated monitoring and analyzing methods to repel known advanced attacks. With that said, it’s important to mention that the number one objective of ATP is to act before malicious links are clicked, or malicious emails are sent.
ATP is different from traditional security solutions due to artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that study and learn known and unknown attack vectors. In addition, ATP uses monitoring and analytical tools to achieve its goals.
Why Is ATP A Must For Businesses?
To understand how businesses benefit from advanced threat protection solutions, we need to look at what ATP can do.
A successful ransomware attack could mean the end of your company.
One of the latest trends in the cybercrime space is using encryption to infect systems with malware. Most malware is sent through email, and hackers send encrypted emails with malicious files in the hope the recipient will open the file.
Once they download the file, the malware will decrypt and infect the system. While we’re taught not to open files or click on links from suspicious senders, hackers use social engineering to trick the recipient into thinking they’re receiving an email from a trusted individual.
Businesses that use the Office 365 suite are at risk the most. ATP solves the problem by using in-depth scanning tools to decrypt the email and send out security alerts should the email contain any malware.
Protect Against Ransomware
A successful ransomware attack could mean the end of your company. Ransomware works by locking you out of your system and demanding a ransom. Then, the victims are given a timeframe to pay the ransom in cryptocurrency. Should the victim not go through with the demand, the hacker will permanently lock them out of the system and delete the hard drives.
But there’s one crucial aspect of ransomware that experts overlook. The goal of a ransomware attack is financial gain. But the hackers will also steal sensitive data. In most cases, paying the ransom doesn’t mean getting the data back. Instead, ransomware attacks cripple entire systems and force the victim to pay to gain access.
ATP detects ransomware malware sent through email. The software does this by tapping into a known database of ransomware attacks and analyzing the data to set up adequate network protection. As a result, it can root out even the most effective sophisticated threats and advanced malware.
Scan Malicious Links and Attachments
Undoubtedly, email is the preferred method for infecting systems, as companies communicate through email regularly. The Office 365 suite gives you powerful email communication tools and backup capabilities to enhance productivity and collaboration, but businesses that use Office 365 are prime targets for advanced threats.
Due to their extensive use of email, hackers hope to infect systems by tricking the recipient into opening malicious links and attachments.
Businesses that don’t use advanced threat protection are essentially sitting ducks. With no way to detect malicious links and attachments, it only takes one click to bypass anti-malware policies.
Even though ransomware is a prevalent advanced threat, one of the most common forms of email threats is phishing attacks. A phishing attack is a social engineering attack that aims to steal confidential data such as credit card information, social security numbers, bank long-in credentials, etc., by impersonating a trusted individual.
Since an employee has no reason not to doubt a coworker or their boss, they will open the email, and the malware will go through. Then, there’s no telling what could happen. However, remember that a phishing attack aims to gain confidential data.
The cyber threat landscape is changing by the year. Hackers are getting smarter and using more sophisticated attack methods to bypass security policies. So why fall victim to these threats when you can use an advanced threat protection solution to maintain business continuity?