Thought Leadership

IF culture<0 THEN

Witharecord shortage of skilled workers, retaining happy engineers is critical to business success. Here’s how.

NODE Podcast: Episode 9

This month Ben, Rom and James introduce Digital Bulletin’s new sister platform Tech For Good and debate whether the industry’s most influential players are doing enough in an era of great environmental and societal flux. They also revisit our Norfolk County Council case study, while Ben catches up with Sweden’s Most Innovative Leader from 2019, Jessica Nordlander.

NODE Podcast: Episode 2

This month Ben, Rom and James chew over Project JEDI’s conclusion, everything 5G in 2019 and our BT case study on intelligent automation. The team also report back from VMworld Europe, where they learned about a peculiar piece of dental technology…

Thought Leadership

IF culture<0 THEN

Witharecord shortage of skilled workers, retaining happy engineers is critical to business success. Here’s how.

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